What Are The Health Effects of Polluted Indoor Air
Poor indoor air quality can trigger asthma as well as eye, nose, and throat irritation, headaches, exacerbated allergies, dizziness, nausea, and immune system impairment, along with the seemingly countless health problems caused by the outside air pollution mentioned above. Twenty percent of homes have one person with asthma and 20% to 40% of asthma attacks are linked to your home's air quality. Building dampness and mold alone are associated with an approximate 30% to 50% increase in a variety of respiratory and asthma-related health challenges. Poorly ventilated buildings result in significant reductions in human cognition compared to those with excellent indoor air quality. And they are associated with higher contagion concentrations, increased sick leave, and lower productivity in the workplace, significantly adding to the costs of doing business. Similar detrimental effects occur in homes and schools.